Janathon 2.25

Happy Sunday!

This is turning into my favourite day of the week! Late night last night, slept in a bit but got up quickly to eat, get dressed and head out for my long run before I ran out of time! Busy busy bee! It was -10 Celsius feeling like -18 with winds over 20 kmh. No matter, I have to take advantage of Sunday’s because it’s the only time I get to run in daylight during winter months here in Canada. Also, I didn’t have time to contemplate what to do. Unfortunately, I did not dress accordingly for my legs. Well my thighs in particular. I have windbreaker tights but thought with my jacket and knee length socks I would be okay with regular tights. Well everything else was mostly okay but my thighs now have some crazy red marks on them. I’m sure it will go away. I’m keeping a log of all my clothes and what works best in what weather. Lesson learned.

I had a pretty good run. Challenging. Pushing myself at each interval to get a little faster. The only down side was missing my first turn which resulted in almost a full km blunder. When I was ready to turn I realized j was at the wrong street and had to turn back to the right intersection. No biggie. This just added an extra km to my cool down walk (much needed but not wanted in this cold). Overall, a minute slower than last week but still and overall much faster pace than I am used to. I’m attributing that one minute to the awful winds I had going uphill and extra minute I took fidgeting halfway through the run trying to cover my face properly when my cheeks started burning.

So happy to keep logging KMs to RunderfulRunners in the Earthathon Relay and check off Janathon Day 25.

January 25, 2015: 7 km run + 1 km cool down walk

Another busy day as I’m currently in the car on my way to another food filled fun afternoon/night.

Oh before I check out, it was also so cold, my water bottle that was under my jacket was turning into ice! Not sure if this picture does any justice (blogging and logging from a phone). 2015/01/img_3518.jpg

A few for the road relating to today:
There’s no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing! Luckily I wasn’t this guy:

Happy Runday!!


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