About Me

Hi World,

In 2012, I participated in my first charity run, the 5K CIBC Run for a Cure event and raised $505.
In 2013, I took part in two 10k runs. The first was the Sportinglife 10K for Camp Oochigeas. Here, my team and I have raised $1163 for kids with cancer to go to camp (more details here). The second was The Terry Fox Run for The Terry Fox Foundation. Here, our team raised $335 (more details on the original post here & the completed run here). I also completed 4 other 5k Races, 2 of which included fundraising efforts as well.
I will not tally each year up as I believe this will be an effort for the rest of my life and should not be logging it like this. I do want to keep the first two years on here to remind me where I started and how far I’ve come.

I am always fundraising for the Canadian Breast Cancer Society; I am asking kindly for your donations for the breasts you love, breasts you loved, and breasts you will love in the future. I am also fundraising for The Terry Fox Foundation to outrun cancer, please make a donation to either charities. Any amount is truly appreciated.

I am running for a cause and starting to run for myself. I began running for a cure, continued to run for fun, and now I run for a cause. I will continue to run for any cause I see fit and can help. Running has been a motivational means to get active and healthy for myself but to also give back. The running community is more than I could have ever imaged it to be. It’s definitely something you don’t want to miss out on in this lifetime.

I am constantly planning out my next journey and adventure.

So, if you have accidentally stumbled across my site, please, check the top right of this page to see if you can make a small donation to the charity I am featuring and raising awareness for or to any charity of your choice; whether you donate to support me or make a general donation to make dreams happen, I truly appreciate your generosity.

Thank You!

So a bit about me? Well, I am not very athletic now and have definitely let myself slide. Through the freshmen years in University and the post grad life of working in an office, I have really put on extra pounds and it has set me back in being healthy and active. I am determined to get back to a healthy lifestyle, get strong, and get comfortable in my own skin!

Quick bio for you to get to know me:

Name: Diana Mach
Gender: Female
Residence: Ontario, Canada
Occupation: Analyst, a desk job! If you ever need help with Data Analysis / Excel / Formulas I can help!
If you ever have recommendations or opportunities in the fitness/health/retail industry and need an analyst, I am always available to hear out the opportunity.

Goals Achieved:

  • Run for the Cure 5 KM – Literally, run for the cure on September 30, 2012
  • Run 10 KM for Kids with Cancer on May 12, 2013 
  • Run 10 KM for The Terry Fox Run on September 15, 2013
  • Run for the Cure 5 KM – October 6, 2013 – Anniversary Run 🙂
  • Run an 8 KM race in 2014 – Harry’s Spring Run Off 8 K on April 5, 2014
  • Run at least 1 10 KM race in 2014 – Completed 2 – Toronto Yonge St 10 K on April 13 & Sporting Life 10 K on May 11

Running Related Bucket List:
Goal: Not only fundraise, but Volunteer
Goal: Do a trail Run
Goal: Complete a half-marathon
Goal: Go on a runcation!!!

I love this blogging world and love discovering new blogs, supporters, likes, and finding new inspiration daily from your posts. I’m glad you and all the readers from all over the world has stumbled across my page. Leave a comment, let me know where you’re reading my blog from!

If you’d like me to put up more information, feel free to let me know and I will gladly answer on this page.


20 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Thanks for stumbling across my blog. I enjoyed reading your blog you are a very talented writer and being Canadian is always good 🙂

  2. Good luck Diana, and keep up that motivation! 🙂

  3. Ahhhh, a healthy BMI. I’ll get there, one day, I’m determined!
    You’ve achieved so much on your journey so far. Keep going!

    • Thank you! And yes, you will, I will too!! One day… We’re getting closer each day we make the right decisions. 🙂

  4. runnermlf

    Wow! You seem like such an awesome person. What your doing is awesome, and I define fly hope you continue to do so. I can’t donate because of financial technicalities, but I give you every ‘penny’ of motivation and encouragement I can. Keep up the good work! 🙂

    • runnermlf

      Definitely, not define fly. Sorry. 8/

    • Hi, thanks for the very kind words! I completely understand and do not hold it against you at all, The support is worth more than money, I appreciate it! I feed off of you, the followers, the likes, the fellow runners! 🙂

  5. Reading from Belleville, Il. Thank you for the follow and I will do the same. One of my best friends is Canadian;).

  6. Keep running, DMach, you’ll reach your goals. And you’ll learn lots about yourself on the way 😉

  7. I am always trying to be a runner! I used to be back in the day…now just getting in a monthly run. 🙂 keep it up! Wish you lived closer…we are hosting a 5K to raise support for our school in Haiti. Check it out at kozefo.org Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    • Hi Sophie,
      You ARE a runner!! Remember, it doesn’t matter how slow or fast you go, you go at your own pace and you are running! I checked out the site, is there a particular spot where I can donate and support you instead of a general donation? 🙂

      • Thanks for your encouragement! I AM a runner. :). All donations will go directly towards the funding of our primary school and food program. I am directly involved in all of the efforts of Kozefò.

  8. PaulSmuts

    Hi from South Africa 🙂 Glad to meet another running on the blogosphere. Looking forward to reading your posts! 🙂 – Paul

  9. Hi,
    Where abouts in Canada are you

  10. Used to be in Calgary, a long while ago. Clicked you were in Canada when CIBC and Terry Fox were mentioned!

  11. Angel

    In your Rundmach’s 10k plan you mentioned there were a few tweeks to weeks 5 and 6 that you would apply. What are those tweeks?

    • Hi Angel! Sorry for the delayed response, I had to dig into my notes to see what those modifications would be.
      For both Week 5 and 6, if you are running at a pace like mine around 7.5 minutes per km (7’30″/km), I would suggest adding some extra time in. This is so you get the same distance covered as the distance you should have if you were running a 6’13″/km. The easiest way to look at it is for every 5 minutes of running, add a minute. The walking pace can stay as I found those almost too long – but if you need it, add half a minute. This plan really did work for me – my goal was to finish a 10k and it got me there!! The plan if you stick to covering the distance in the time recommended, you could cover a 10k in under an hour!
      Good luck and I hope this helps! 🙂

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