Janathon 2.18

Happy Funday!!! Sunday, Runday, Funday!

Today I got to do a Build Up run according to my Half-Marathon Plan. What is a Build Up? I start our at the lower set pace then gradually increase to a faster pace, maintain, and continue this until I reach the faster guideline pace. Well, I wasn’t going to share any of my time stats since I’ve finally come to the acceptance of who cares how fast or slow I run? (Other than myself of course). Just to put it in perspective, I’m a slow runner and my goal was to just finish. Based on my last race time and whatever other math MyAisics is converting, my estimated finish time for the half-marathon will be 2:42. That’s good news, My first goal is to finish, second is to finish under 3 hours, and well it’d be splendid if I managed under 2:30 but really, if I finish, I know that will be enough! Any-who, today’s guideline pace was to run a build up of 9:31 up to 8:06 min/km. Yes, that is ridiculously slow as some people walk 8’s…. Well, it’s not very slow when it’s on a treadmill but outside is another story! When I do these paces on the treadmill I’m exhausted and I’m actually running! Jan 18 RunToday’s outside run, I just started at a comfortable pace, gradually increased, maintained, and then increased again. I continued to do this for a few intervals (running 10 minutes on and 1 minute walk). To put it into perspective, my total average pace on my Nike+ Running account is 7’52″/km. The run today should have been within 8 minutes. I slaughtered that!! I averaged 7’16″/km!! I am soooo stoked on that! I know, it’s still slow relative to what women my age are supposed to be running, but really, it’s faster than I’ve been running lately and I didn’t feel completely beat! I was smiling on my run and having a blast! Other than some soaking toes while stomping through puddles, I had a wonderful run!!! See image attached for my intervals recorded from Nike+. You’ll see my second interval is slower, this is acceptable due to the uphill in the course. Can you believe it though? My last 3 intervals were below 7 minutes per km! Honestly, I really want to break a 34 minute 5k and I really hope this is the year! I know 7 isn’t going to cut it but it is getting me closer to that target!!!!

So, today’s Janathon was a huge success. Day 18 of my run streak continues. Contributed to my team #RunderfulRunners with 7 kms logged in the Earthathon Relay.

January 18, 2015: 7 km run 

I am really going to have to figure out how to run in the dark again and feel safe… I love winter but I don’t like how dark it gets before I even get home from work (and it’s dark early in the morning too). I really do love outdoor running compared to the dreadmill. I have been so happy all day. I smiled most of my run, was comfortably challenged, and just felt even better when I saw the stats! A good run can seriously change how you feel and although I’m still a little angry, not very much so today. Happy and accepting, life is still good. I hope you had a great weekend of running yourself!

run and laugh

I’ve ran out of funny running comics so here’s a good grammar one for the road:
Sneak Peek vs Sneak Peak

Happy Running!


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2 thoughts on “Janathon 2.18

  1. Great running, well done 🙂

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