Posts Tagged With: Runners World

Janathon 2.10

It’s Saturday! I’m excited for the weekend but if you’re like me, the weekend means cheat days because it’s all about family and friends. Two-three days packed of late nights, early mornings (because my body only wants to sleep in when it’s a work day) and bad food. So, I have to get my Janathon day 10 activities in early otherwise I might not do anything!

January 10, 2015: 1 km run, 20 minutes Yoga, and some arm exercises

I may have jinxed myself yesterday because after blogging my right leg started feeling really uncomfortable. It’s kind of in my hip or in my joints, I can’t really explain the pain. All I know is it hurt any time I moved my leg in bed or even in certain positions. This is why I decided to do yoga today as I’m still in a bit of discomfort. I tried the Recovery Yoga for Runners from Runners World. Boy, I am not a fan of Yoga. Whenever she had her leg straight up I felt like I had mine the same way, then I looked in the mirror and I was lucky if I was even at a 90 degree angle… Same with getting your head to the floor, my forehead was probably still two feet from the ground. I tried my best and didn’t do any of my other leg exercises like lunges or squats today. Well, I hope it helped! After yoga I did 5 intervals of 30 seconds with 10 second rests of arm exercises using 10 lb weights: rows (left arm, then right), bench press, shoulder press, and something I call butterflies but have no idea what they really are….

I may have done a yoga before but I am definitely not flexible.

Happy Weekend Running!


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