The Return for Janathon

Happy whatever it is you celebrate! In the busy lives we live, it’s definitely a good reminder to take some time to show the people you love how much they mean to you. For me this is Christmas. Merry Christmas to all the fellow bloggers and runners across the world. I hope Santa was good to you and you are feeling loved.

janathon-participant-logoIt’s been a very crazy 6 months since I’ve last posted and I am now making sure that I am coming back for Janathon 2015. I have officially signed up so you can find me here starting January 1, 2015 logging all my daily activities (which will mostly incorporate running, strength training, cycling, and various types of exercises that I don’t normally partake in). I am very excited for this year’s Janathon as it will help get me off the right start as it did this last year. This will be my second Janathon and I hope to win smugness and immense self-satisfaction.

It’s not that I haven’t wanted to blog but in the last 6 months a few other things have been taking priority. I broke up with the one thing that’s been in my life longer than anything else, I quit my job where I worked for over 10 years. It’s not really work when you love the industry, people, place, and have the passion for what you do. My love did not change for what I do but the environment changed, it became a very emotionally stressful company to work for over quite a few months after a take over and it was time to leave and make sure my life was filled with positivity. Work-Life Balance is so important and if you can’t step away from your work when you leave the workplace, you better love what you do. I am one of those individuals who believe the things you do define you and I started doing things that I would never be proud to say I was part of. In this last little while, I discovered a new job and it’s still fairly new so I’m getting my feet wet and seeing what will come next. The greatest things are the people here. It is not necessarily an industry I would have chosen or even imagined I’d be in but the people are so welcoming and friendly, it has made the transition a little easier. The only negative so far, I do much much much less moving and spend almost a full 8 hours sitting. The last 6 months did include a two little vacations that reminded me what life is really about, spending time with the ones you love and enjoying every moment. Of course I can go on and on about what a blast I’ve had on vacation or what a miserable time I had making the decision to leave what has been such a huge part of me, but I’ll get into the running!

the oatmealI did not succeed in all of my goals for 2014 but I am not disappointed. I ran alone, with friends, with the love of my life, and in a couple of races. I raised some money, maybe not enough as I had hoped and did not make time to volunteer but I will try harder this new year. I did do strength training and understood more of my abilities. I did not lose any weight at all but I have always known, that I run so I can eat whatever I want but also because running is the most free I have ever felt. I have learned and am accepting that running may not be the factor to losing weight (diet smiet)…. Running is me time and it is my happiness. It may sound corny to some people but I think all runners can attest that Running is the ultimate nirvana.

Recently, I ran with runrchatts without music! I went bare, no headphones, no phone with me, just the company of someone I enjoy running with and we chatted and ran and I had a blast! I’m sure I’ll still need the music for longer runs but this 5k we completed with each other was phenomenal. I listened to everything around me and soaked it all in. This is an accomplishment to me because it was a chance for me to enjoy the company of another runner and embrace the beauty of the world around.

In these last 6 months, I’ve also felt pretty accomplished as I feel like I have been officially inaugurated into the running world. I have been running for quite some time now but the whole idea of black toes and losing toenails made absolutely no sense to me. My toes had always been your average toes until recently…. I received 1 super black toe and 2 other smaller toes said goodbye to their protective upper casing. This seems very weird, but I’ve never been more proud to lose toe nails.

I think to catch you up on the last 6 months would just be ridiculous to do in one blog post as this is already getting lengthy so I’ve tried to capture some of the highlights the best I can…except for one…….

This Christmas, I signed myself up for a half marathon! On Sunday, May 3, 2015 I will be running the Mississauga Half Marathon. Merry Christmas to me!!! I’ve been toying with the idea and have blogged about it before. It’s time to hold myself accountable and put my feet where my words are. My goal is to just finish. I’m not sure if I’ll ever do another half at this point but it’s definitely a bucket list item! Funny enough, when I started blogging, my biggest goal was 10k and wasn’t even sure if I’d enjoy the 10k. It seems that I am growing and the 10k may not be enough. A Half seems almost too much but I am nervously excited!! I’ve signed up, paid, and can’t turn back now!

I know I don’t have to keep preaching on here as to why running is so great. I might just be doing this because I still need motivation to get me off my butt. It seems in my head I know how good running is for me and in my heart how much I love to run, but there’s this thing (maybe it’s the Blerch) that just makes me succumb to laziness.  So, here I am, signing up for Janathon to kick off the new year like many others promising to stay on track. Regardless of how busy life is going to get, for 31 days, I will be active and will blog daily.

the oatmeal eat
Over the course of Janathon I will be sharing some fun comings from The Oatmeal. I hope he doesn’t mind but I’m in love with the comics as I just got the book, The Terrible and Wonderful Reasons Why I Run Long Distance. 

I hope that you have been doing well as I have not had the time to stay up to date on blogs or anything online…. I am wishing you a successful New Year and hope that you’ll join in on these 31 days of discovery and growth.

So for whatever reason you may be running for, I hope you continue to run and enjoy it!

Happy Running.


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