Juneathon Day 2 – Extensions

Hi there!

I’ve made it to Juneathon Day 2! What’s more exciting, I just finished my last workout for week 3 of my Nike + Training Club (NTC) – Get Lean program. It’s only a 4 week program so I am excited to be 75% through! I haven’t missed a workout! Today was a 15 minute dynamic yoga, it’s honestly the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I am horrible at all these planks, side plank variations, extensions, sun salutations, etc. But I won’t dwell on how weak I am, the focus is to get stronger! So, after the scheduled workout, I added a 15 minute workout from NTC – Back Definer (which included more planks but with weights), followed with some sit ups, wood chops (squat with dumbbell swings), and weights – rowing and shoulder press.

So, I tried to do a video of myself doing the exercise I wanted to feature today, but I’m not ready for sharing this side of me to the entire world. Instead I’ve used the images in the below provided by Nike on NTC and mashed it up a little differently. Since I keep mentioning NTC, it’s a free app, I recommend you checking it out if you are better at working out with instruction and a structured plan. I’m loving it so far!

Today’s featured exercise: Opposite Arm/Leg Extension
I’ve had to do quite a few of these with the NTC program and they seem great! Challenging but manageable.
Here’s how to opposite arm/leg extension:
1. Start in step 1 form
2. Step 2, extend your opposite arm and leg like someone is pulling your opposite arm and leg while looking forward/up
3. Bring those extended limbs together as pictured in step 3 (elbow to knee)
4. Extend again without resting that arm and leg as in step 4
5. Now repeat from step 2 and bring your elbow to your knee,
6. Continue this for thirty seconds on one side (right arm, left leg)
7. Switch for 30 seconds on the other side (left arm, right leg) remembering now to rest the left arm or right leg on the ground until the 30 seconds is up
Note, when extending your leg out, point your toes and focus on extending (getting pulled) and not putting your leg up above your back (levitating it).

I find this strengthens so many points, arms, legs, back, shoulders and balance! Each 30 seconds I try to count how many I can do and try to beat it on the next interval. This is a definite must try if you are looking for something new and challenging.

Happy extensions!



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