Janathon Day 20

A dream only becomes overrated when not pursued by the dreamer. – Courtney Hickman

January 20 Run: 20:00 (mm:ss), 2.72 km, 7’25″/km (iPod)
Janathon Day 20

Janathon janathon-participant-logo day 20 has come and gone in a flash! Boy, Mondays always seem to fly by… not to mention coming home, making dinner, then spending over an hour on a puzzle and realizing it’s 8 pm, I should run! Yes, I said it, I’m addicted to this puzzle I got not too long ago and I can’t stop!! I’ll stop when it’s done. It is the most relaxing thing ever after a day at work. I’m addicted!!! Hmm… I feel the same about running yet I have more motivation to give an hour to sitting on my butt to work on the puzzle instead of get outside to run. *Sigh* … Right, back to my original point, it’s day 20! There’s only 11 days left to Janathon… Who’s going to keep my accountable after these 11 days? Myself??? I guess so…  Hopefully with your help!

Today’s run included a higher incline for the first 10 minutes, then a faster pace for the last 10 minutes. I got up to 6.2 miles per hour for the last 3 minutes!! Pretty awesome if I say so myself. I’d love to be able to run 6.2 miles per hour as my regular pace!! That would be my ideal ultimate fast pace. It’s a 6 minute kilometre and may seem slow to you but that would put me almost 2 minutes faster than my average pace. This was such an awesome run I wanted to run more but was feeling the pain in my right knee and ankles so thought I’d stop when the time stopped. I still find it weird that my treadmill doesn’t allow me to add time to a current workout to extend the run… I have to wait for it to complete and the reset before I start over and choose all the options all over again. Wow, enough side-thoughts… I kept the momentum of the high pace running and then did my strength training exercises in ultra fast speeds. You know, you’re working out really hard when you’re only on 20 sit ups on an exercise ball and you can’t decide which hurts more: my thighs from holding them firm on the group and perpendicular or my core from the sit-ups all the way down to my knees. Overall, I had a good half hour work out.

running inspiration chase your dream

Here’s to dreaming and working hard to achieving a Happier Pace 🙂


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