Posts Tagged With: secrets

Janathon Day 21

Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential. – Winston Churchill

January 21 Run: 8:00 (mm:ss), 1.01 km, 8’00″/km (Watch)
January 21 Cycling: 12:00 (mm:ss), 4.44 km
Janathon day 21

As you can see, for Janathon janathon-participant-logo day 21, I have completed a slow 1 kilometre run with a slow 12 minute session on my stationary bike. Not only was this due to coming home from running errands after work and having dinner at 8 pm, but because my knee has been hurting since last night’s run. I’ve had this sharp pain in my right knee that can’t be stretched out and relieved. When it’s not a sharp pain it just feels dull and irritated… I’m guessing it’s from the huge jump up in speed and possibly running at a higher incline. If it wasn’t for my determination to continue my running streak (now at 22 days!!), I would not have run at all (it’s not logical to right now with this sort of pain)…. Well, the biking didn’t help too much either as that enhanced a pain on the outside of my knee that I didn’t experience before but is now throbbing as it hurt every pedal…. I’ll be taking the pace slow again and see what I can do to make this better – I may even slow it down to an 8’30″/km tomorrow! Tomorrow, I plan on grabbing a knee tensor after work to wrap up my knee. Hopefully this will help, as well as help while I’m on the treadmill. I sound like such a whiny pants but I’m actually just hoping that my sad descriptions of my pain will spark some interest or experience you may have had that you can share with me.

I’ve also never tracked my cycling on a stationary bike. I’ve never been a big bike person…….*gasp*….. okay world…. Here’s one of my deepest secrets…. *deep breath in*…..  I can’t really ride a bike! Yup, there I said it, it’s out there… So, I can ride a bike forward on flat road and that’s about it. I can’t even tell you when the last time I rode a real bike outdoors was… I can tell you that the idea of being on a road bike going downhill terrifies me more than being in a room full of snakes. Well, my overall point of all of this is, I’m not even sure what the standards are? Is this like Running where I run at my own pace and I compare myself to myself or is there supposed to be a certain speed or distance covered within a time range that certifies a good effort work out? Are there certain stats I should be looking at or focussing on?

Overall, I am proud of myself for getting in my daily dose of activity. I did skip the strength exercises on the stability ball but I did do my weights. Anything that had to do with legs I kind of skipped tonight just to play it safe.

It is now way past my relax/bed time so off I go to rest and elevate my leg (does that even work for the knee?).

running inspiration instead of giving myself reasons why i cant

Happy Living! 🙂


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