Janathon 2.11

Happy Funday Runday!!!

Janathon Day 11 had been a huge success!!! I was recruited and signed up for the #earthathon relay to be part of #runderfulrunners !! Our team is currently in 4th place out of 10! The goal is to get to 25,000 miles first as a team. I’m super excited to be part of this and if you have Twitter, join our team!! Or follow me @rundmach! Today I went out and logged my first run for the relay, crossed off my run for my half marathon plan, and can check off Day 11 completed for Janathon.

January 11, 2015: 7km Run

Since it’s Sunday, I got to run outside in daylight (also because the extreme cold weather is now gone). Runrchatts is also training so we started our run together and he took off, check out his blog and show him some love! Wowie!! What a fantastic run I had! Long slow run at 10 minutes on and 1 minute walking, I finished in a great time according to what my plan wanted me to do on a treadmill. Thank goodness I did not have to do the run on a treadmill today because the sun was shining and paths were relatively safe to run on. I really enjoyed the run, despite forgetting to take my inhaler before the run and gasping for air at the beginning. I absolutely love running outdoors (yes, even in the winter). The dreadmill gets the job done and I just watch a movie or listen to music. The outdoors is an experience and I am left to the beauty of the world, my thoughts, and soaking in the run. Guess I might be having a little bit of the runner’s high right now.

I hope you’re having a great wrap up to your weekend!

Happy Running!


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One thought on “Janathon 2.11

  1. Sounds like a great run 🙂 Love The Runners’ High too

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