Juneathon Day 20-23 – Coughing Abs

What else can I say about the last four days other than I slept most of them away? With the exception of going to work Monday, I slept most of Friday through to Sunday. I did cough a lot. Does this count as my daily activities? Pretty sure my abs and lungs got an intense workout.

I have a lot of blogs to catch up on. I wanted to read them while I was sick but kept getting bummed out not being able to participate. I have been soo sick that all I want to do is eat something fresh and healthy and go for a run. I’ve just been so weak I’ve done silly take out and delivery. Well, that’s it. I flunked out for Juneathon…
Gaining weight and missed 6 days. Although if I hit the remaining days I’ll be at 80% which is still a pass right..?!


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2 thoughts on “Juneathon Day 20-23 – Coughing Abs

  1. Good to see you back 🙂

  2. Of course 80% is fine – especially with how you have been. Stop beating yourself up, when you’re well enough you’ll be doing 110% – it’s a blip you can’t do anything about you will be back stronger 🙂 xxxx

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