Juneathon Day 15 – Rice

Hi world,

Forgive me runners for I have sinned. I must confess, I skipped my run yesterday and did not make it up today. I did however complete my Juneathon activities for Day 15 with 15 minutes of Dynamic Yoga for my NTC program and 15 minutes of Leaner Legs from the NTC program as well. I’m still struggling at this dynamic yoga workout. My wrists are too weak to keep me up for all these side plank variations and I just feel so defeated each time I do this workout (and I have to do it once a week). Anyways, that’s about it for the day.

Today’s feature is on RICE: Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevation. I didn’t do a specific workout today I want to feature so I would like to focus on recovering, especially when injured or sore or tired.

RICE is used as the first treatment for many muscle strains, ligament sprains, or other bruises and injuries. RICE is used immediately after an injury happens and for the first 24 to 48 hours after the injury. Rest, ice, compression, and elevation can help reduce the swelling and pain and help you heal faster. Use this for an ankle, calf, leg, foot, elbow, arm, or any sort of injury, discomfort, or pain.


So, if you’re feeling a little injured, remember to RICE to help recover quicker.

Happy Ricing!


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